Top 10 Reasons why Christians believe Jesus is God
The question about whether Jesus is God has been discussed over and over for years, among Christians and non-Christians alike. Thankfully, the scriptures point towards the fact the He is truly God, putting to rest the question, “Is Jesus God?” Below are 10 reasons why Christians believe Jesus is God.
10. Jesus performed miracles that had never been seen before
- The miracles that Jesus performed are extraordinary evidence of the fact that He is God. For example, he healed lepers, as well as deaf and blind individuals. He also fed 5000 people using 5 loaves and 2 fish. Jesus also spoke to a storm and commanded it to be still. He would not have had the power to perform miracles if He was not God. John 10: 37-38 alludes to this fact.
9. Jesus made claims that no human could make
- Jesus made several claims that could only have been fulfilled if He was God. In Matthew 11:28, for instance, He promises all who are weary and burdened that He will give them rest. Also, in Matthew 28:18, He declares that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. Only someone who is God could make such claims, and cause them to come to pass.
8. Jesus existed before the world was made
- Is Jesus God? Yes, He is, because He was in existence before the world was created. In John 1:1, the Bible states that Jesus (The Word) was there in the beginning, He was with God, and He was God! In John 17: 5, Jesus prays and asks God the Father to glorify Him in His presence with the same glory that He had with God before the world began.ext someone asks you if Jesus is God, give him or her this to read!
7. Jesus possesses attributes that are unique to God
- One of the attributes that Jesus possesses that are similar to those that God has includes omnipresence. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus says that He will be with His people always, until the end of the age. Another attribute is that of being all-knowing. In Job 37:16, Job declares that God has perfect knowledge, and in Colossians 2:3, the Apostle Paul declares that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. Other attributes include being eternal and all-powerful.
6. Jesus performs unique works similar to what God performs
- Everyone knows that God created the universe, right? Well, in John 1:3, note that without the Word (Jesus), nothing was created that has been created. Also, in Hebrews 1:3, the Bible states that just like God, Jesus sustains all things. Lastly, Jesus, like God the Father, also forgives sin. In Colossians 3:13, Christians are encouraged to forgive one another just as the Lord Jesus Christ forgave them.
5. Jesus Himself claimed to be God
- In the Bible, Jesus refers to Himself as God. One example is in John 5:18, where He was accused of referring to God as His father, thus making Him one with God. Another example is in John 10:33, where the Jews were ready to stone Jesus because He had declared He was God yet the Jews knew Him as a man. For Jesus to have been accused of calling Himself God, there must have been truth in what He said! Nobody would have bothered if the accusations were false.!
4. The Bible calls Jesus God
- Is Jesus God? The Bible refers to Him as God several times. In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is referred to as a mighty God. In John 1:1, Jesus (The Word) was with God, and was God. In Colossians 1:15, the Bible refers to Jesus as the image of the invisible God.
3. Jesus possesses titles that are unique to God
- Some of the titles that refer to Jesus and are unique to God include the Lord (Isaiah 43:11), Savior of all the world (John 4:42), Savior from sins (Matthew 1:21), and the First and the Last (Isaiah 40:12). These titles point to the unique character and works of Jesus and God.
2. His resurrection from the dead confirms that He is God
- The fact that Jesus rose from the dead confirms that He is God because only God has power over sin and death. Romans 1:3-4 states that though Jesus was born in the flesh, and was crucified, He conquered death through His resurrection.
1. Jesus refers to Himself as divine
- In the Bible, Jesus refers to Himself as “I Am”, meaning that He was there before the world began, He is here now, and He will be there in the future. Only a person of divine nature can pull that off. Some of the verses that refer to this include John 8:58 (before Abraham was, I am), Isaiah 41:4 (I am He), Isaiah 46:4 (I am He who will sustain you). These statements indicate that Jesus is not of this world, but He is from God.
Have Questions? Need Support
Is Jesus God? Yes, He is, based on the top 10 reasons why Christians believe Jesus is God listed above.
The more we learn, the more questions can sometimes arise.
God designed us for community, not to figure everything out by ourselves.
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Natalya says
Amen! Jesus is my Lord and Personal Saviour.
David pradhan says
afcus natalya
jesus is everything , because he supoorted to me always.
hope you understand
Wayne Winsor says
Yes I understand David. 23 Psalm
Wayne Winsor says
Yes I understand David. 23 Psalm
Chris Jones says
Jesus is Lord, how wonderful that he gives us the free gift of salvation and because he created all things we can share in his creation for free.
Because we can proclaim Jesus is Lord, everything else pales into insignificance in comparison..
Wayne Winsor says
I agree Chris
Shibu MS says
In the Bible it is also return in (Titus 2:13
[13]Awaiting and looking for the [fulfillment, the realization of our] blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One),)
Jesus is Lord no compromise on that God came in the world as men that is Jesus. Amen. I am a Evangelist doing ministry in adhibasi tribes in north India. Please pray and participate. Thanks
Joseph says
As a strong believer, my thoughts are that Jesus was the SON of God. He had the power from His father (God) that enabled Him accomplish the tasks that He performed on earth. Many a time, He referred to God as “father” therefore I find to difficult to think that he was the son and the father at the same time. The concept of trinity clearly specifies the son, the father and the spirit
Robertson Blamo says
All three are one.
Wayne Winsor says
Hi Robinson Please read John 17 with an open mind and Heart. God will reveal the truth to you. God Bless 23 Psalm Jesus is praying to our Heavenly Father about his deciples and followers.
Wayne Winsor says
Yes You got it wright. God Bless You
josphat says
Powerful insight on Jesus as God, am humbled. May he be glorified forever
Wayne Winsor says
Yes josphat Glorified forever
I truly believe in God and his son Jesus Christ coz he helped me alway
Wayne Winsor says
Judith samuel Peace be unto you A true statement indeed I have been reading the new Testament my whole life with this in mind. Everything makes since when you are awear that Jesus is the son of God and our blessed savour. 23 Psalm
Ezbon Momanyi b says
Iam alive because of Jesus ,ibelievei in him through my life
Wayne Winsor says
Ezbon You are truely blessed. Praise our heavenly Father and his Son Jesus
Tony Faofua says
Would it be Jesus saying he and God is one is because he’s a living word of God? Meaning if we live in Gods word just has Jesus did then can we say God and I are one because his word is my life in the flesh? Jesus said the only way to his father is through him through his teachings
patricia james says
is jesus god or the son of god i am confused
Wayne Winsor says
Don’t be confused Patricia
Jesus is the son of God He never said anywhere in the bible he is God The first commandment says ” Thow shall have no other Gods before me”
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no men comes unto the father but by me Praise God and Jesus
Wayne Winsor says
God Bless you Tony You got it right on He also said that his deciples and followers are one with him and his Father. Please read John 17
Wayne Winsor says
If Jesus is God Who was he talking to on the cross? Who was he continually praying too when he was on this beautiful creation of God. EARTH
Wayne Winsor says
I said who was he talking to when he was on the cross
Antonio says
Jesus Christ is my lord and savior
Wayne Winsor says
You are 100% wright 23 Psalm The Old testament is referring to Jesus as our sheppard 23 Psalm Jonh 3:16
If any brother wants to email me you can my email address is I am saying this before they take me off the chat line. Most of the people
in various denominations do not understand the bible. They are followers of man not God This is my first time I made a comment on anything in the bible on the internet. I don’t even read it because their opinions are biased always. I believe the bible is the word of God our heavenly Father and Jesus (His Son) was sent from God to do his will. Amen
Wayne Winsor says
Read John 17
James says
Jesus was the son of God and He was God at the same time. He said, He and His father were one. One day, He told Philip that whoever has seen Him has seen the father. The book of Timothy says “Great is the mystery of Godliness, God was made flesh and handled by men”. He was called the son of God Because He was God in flesh. The word son ,means “the begotten one”. Jesus was God in human flesh, which makes Him the son of God. In short, God who is a Spirit was in Jesus (His son), Making them one.
Wayne Winsor says
James He was called the Son of God because he was the Son of God in the flesh. Pleas read the New Testament and believe every word it says, not what man says or some biased preacher. He also said he and his deciples were one also. Yes I agree with your statement God who is a spirit was in Jesus (His Son),Making then one. Please Read John 17 Amen God will bless you and your family
Wayne Winsor says
God said thow shall have no other Gods before me. I know Jesus is the son of God Because he said it many times in the New Testament. Read John 17 it will give you understanding of me and my father are one. Praise Jesus and his saving power. 23 Psalm